I Won a Joke Contest

Soooo, I won a joke contest. Chris Coyier of CSS Tricks put out a request for original jokes relating to development, and I’m one of the winners. Here’s the winning joke:

A designer, a copywriter, and a developer were having a few drinks after work one night. The designer mused, “With such beauty in the world, God must be a designer.”

The copywriter scoffed and said, “No, no. The story of mankind is the greatest story ever told. God is clearly a writer.”

The developer chuckled quietly and said, “Come on, guys. God’s a developer. Nothing’s documented, something breaks every time we meddle with his work, and his last commit was 2,000 years ago.

For my cleverness, I won two t-shirts: a Codepen T-shirt in gray and a Treehouse T-shirt in green. Not a bad haul!